Deteksi Pemotongan Scene

Secara otomatis mendeteksi perubahan scene dalam video dan menghasilkan file EDL, XML, atau CSV untuk penyuntingan film non-linear lebih lanjut di Avid Media Composer, Adobe Premiere Pro, DaVinci Resolve, atau Final Cut Pro X. Inilah alat bantu premium yang memanfaatkan algoritme AI untuk mendeteksi potongan video.

Format Keluaran
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Which files are created?

  • EDL - Edit Decision List (.edl)
  • EDL - Edit Decision List (.edl)
    [with gap between takes]
  • CSV - Comma-separated values (.csv)
    [Timecode In, Timecode Out, Frame In, Frame Out]

Rekomendasi Alur Kerja

  1. Unggah klip video Anda dan mulai Deteksi Pemotongan Scene. Jika file melebihi batas unggahan maksimum, Anda juga dapat mengunggah versi terkompresi dari video Anda.
  2. Unduh EDL/XML yang dihasilkan dan letakkan di folder yang sama dengan klip video asli.
  3. Impor EDL/XML ke dalam program penyuntingan Anda, tautkan ke klip video asli dan mulai mengedit.


  1. Content-Aware Detection is an algorithm designed to identify alterations within specific regions of an image. When significant changes are detected, it automatically triggers a cut, making it the ideal choice for analyzing darker movie scenes.
  2. Threshold-Based Detection operates by analyzing the intensity and brightness levels of individual frames. When these levels surpass a predefined threshold, a cut is initiated. This method represents a more traditional approach to cut detection, relying on classic techniques.

File Demo

Anda dapat mencoba alat ini dengan file uji teknis kami.

  • Video MP4/H264 berdurasi 3 menit dalam 25fps disertai perubahan warna bervariasi.

Try the tool for free

The Scene Cut Detection tool requires a lot of server power, but we decided to offer it for free for files up to 35 minutes. If you want to scan larger files, you will need to upgrade to a Pro account.

Free for registered usersPro Users
Files up to 35 minutes longNo file length limit
up to 2GBup to 2GB
.mp4, .mov, .avi.mp4, .mov, .avi, .mxf, .mpeg, .m4a, .wma


AI Tools Recording CSV EDL XML Free Tools Adobe Premiere Pro Apple Final Cut Pro X Avid Media Composer DaVinci Resolve