Cue Sheet Musik

Hasilkan cue sheet musik yang rapi dengan timecode, durasi, dan metadata trek dari urutan penyuntingan Anda. Unggah file XML atau EDL dan hasilkan CSV, XLSX, PDF, TXT, atau format lain untuk digunakan di Google Spreadsheet, Microsoft Excel, Apple Numbers, dan program serupa.


We created this tool to save you time!


cue sheets created


audio clips processed


track metadata records

Apa yang dilakukan alat ini?

Generator cue sheet akan dengan cepat menghasilkan daftar sederhana dari semua trek musik yang digunakan dalam proyek Anda. Alat ini dapat membaca urutan dari Media Composer, Premiere Pro, Resolve, dan Final Cut Pro. Alat ini menggabungkan beberapa track dan menghapus potongan yang tidak terlihat untuk mendapatkan daftar yang bersih. Berdasarkan nama file, metadata untuk trek musik juga dapat secara otomatis ditambahkan ke cue sheet jika berasal dari salah satu pustaka mitra kami. Ekspor dapat disesuaikan menggunakan preset dan diekspor ke berbagai format termasuk CSV, XLSX, dan PDF.

Format file apa yang dapat saya unggah?

  • EDL - Edit Decision List (.edl)
  • XML - Final Cut 7 XML (.xml)
  • XML - Extensible Markup Language (.xml) (Avid Media Composer)
  • TXT - Avid Pro Tools TXT -> Info Sesi sebagai teks (.txt)
  • FCPXML - Final Cut Pro X (.fcpxml)
  • CSV (comma separated or semicolon separated) (.csv)

Pustaka Musik

Gunakan trek dari pustaka mitra kami yang terwakili untuk menambahkan metadata trek ke lembar isyarat Anda secara otomatis. Gunakan fungsi "Sertakan metadata dari perpustakaan musik" untuk menambahkan metadata termasuk komposer, artis, kode label, ISRC, Kode GEMA, dan banyak lagi.

Check out the music from the libraries that work with us and make your work easier by using tracks from those libraries.

Are you missing a library or do you work for a music library? Contact us and become a partner so your customers can benefit from our tool. Becoming a partner is a simple and straightforward process.

Metadata akan ditambahkan menggunakan nama file. Untuk memastikan bahwa semua lagu dikenali, Anda tidak boleh mengganti nama file setelah mengunduh. Kami tidak bertanggung jawab secara hukum atas keakuratan data. Anda wajib memeriksa sendiri kebenaran lembar isyarat Anda.

The workflow in detail

Learn how this cue sheet tool works.

There are 6 simple steps you can follow to get the best workflow results:

  1. Prepare the sequence for which you want to create a cue sheet. It is best to make a copy and clean up the tracks, removing clips that do not belong there. It is a good idea to collect all the cues on 2 or 3 tracks and export only those tracks.
  2. Depending on the software you are using, you can export an EDL, XML or ProTools Session TXT. If you are using Adobe Premiere Pro or DaVinci Resolve, we recommend that you export a Final Cut 7 XML.
  3. Upload your sequence to our Music Cue Sheet Tool and choose your desired settings. The tool will analyze your sequence and create a sorted track list.
  4. The track list calculates the duration of each clip. Depending on your settings, similar clips are grouped together.
  5. If you enable the "Include metadata from music libraries" option and select the libraries from which you used music, the tool will check for additional metadata in those libraries. The information is pulled from data provided directly by our library partners via API or shared database. This includes for example information about the music album, the composer and artist up to library codes and label names.
  6. Once all the information is collected, it is exported to the file format of your choice. The recommended export format is CSV, which contains all the data you need and can be easily edited using Excel, Numbers, or Google Sheets.

File demo

Cobalah cue sheet dengan file demo kami:

Siapkan urutan Anda

Sebelum mengunggah urutan Anda, disarankan untuk melakukan persiapan cepat. Cara terbaik untuk melakukannya yaitu dengan menduplikasi urutan Anda dan menghapus semua trek audio dan video yang tidak perlu yang tidak ingin Anda miliki dalam cue sheet Anda. Juga penting untuk meratakan semua trek jika Anda menggunakan klip audio yang di-wrap/di-nest. Selain itu, hapus juga "Efek Transisi Audio" jika alat ini gagal.

Penggabungan trek & klip

Klip yang dipotong menjadi beberapa bagian dalam urutan akan secara otomatis digabungkan menjadi satu entri, selama tidak ada jeda lebih dari 100 frame di antaranya. Jika alat ini menemukan klip yang sama pada beberapa track, maka klip tersebut juga akan digabungkan dan ditampilkan sebagai satu entri.

Use this option to join clips even if there is a gap between them. You can define a range of 1 to 500 frames to be covered. If the tool finds the same clip on multiple tracks, they will also be merged and displayed as a single entry.


Anda dapat menyesuaikan kolom-kolom dalam file ekspor. Pilih dari beberapa templat publik atau tekan tanda "+" untuk membuat preset Anda sendiri. Ada banyak sekali kemungkinan untuk menampilkan timecode, durasi, dan metadata individual. Untuk menyimpan preset, Anda harus masuk.

Add metadata to your personal EditingTools database or library

Our tool supports a list of default values that can be added to the search database, which are explained below. Not all values are mandatory. Additional columns are possible.

file_nameString (max. 200 characters)Filename up to 200 characters. If a filename is longer, it is truncated. If there are several variations of a file name, they can be listed in a column file_name_2, file_name_3, ...
track_titleString (max. 200 characters)Name of track
track_numberIntTrack number within the album.
track_durationIntTrack duration in seconds.
track_codeString (max. 100 characters)Optional track code (can include numbers and letters).
track_idIntA unique database track ID, must be numeric. Optional.
artistString (max. 200 characters)This is an optional artist name. If this value is empty, most cue sheets will automatically use the composer's values.
composerString (max. 200 characters)Composer Name. Multiple composers can be separated by a semiclon, e.g. "John Doe; John Smith".
composer_societyString (max. 200 characters)Name of the Composer Society. If a track has multiple composers, use semicolons to separate the societies.
composer_numberString (max. 200 characters)Number of the Composer. If a track has multiple composers, use semicolons to separate the number.
composer_shareString (max. 200 characters)Share of the Composer. If a track has multiple composers, use semicolons to separate the shares. Value between 1 and 100.
ownerString (max. 200 characters)
String (max. 200 characters)Publisher Name. Multiple publishers can be separated by a semiclon, e.g. "Pub1;Pub2".
publisher_societyString (max. 200 characters)Name of the Publisher Society. If a track has multiple publishers, use semicolons to separate the societies.
publisher_numberString (max. 200 characters)Number of the Publisher. If a track has multiple publishers, use semicolons to separate the number.
album_titleString (max. 200 characters)
album_catalog_codeString (max. 200 characters)
album_release_dateDate (YYYY-MM-DD)Album release date. Leave blank if unknown.
album_disk_numberIntThis is an optional number that defines the disk number of the album. If the track is released on disk, this value is 1 or 2 in 99% of the cases.
album_total_discsString (max. 200 characters)This is an optional number that indicates the total number of disks in an album. If the track is released on disk, this value will be 1 or 2 99% of the time.
label_nameString (max. 200 characters)Name of the label.
label_codeIntLabel code, without "LC".
isrcString (max. 100 characters)
iswcString (max. 100 characters)
eanString (max. 100 characters)
upcString (max. 100 characters)
gemaString (max. 100 characters)
catalog_nameString (max. 200 characters)Name of the catalog/library the track is in.
genreString (max. 200 characters)

Panduan Cepat

How do I import a csv file into Google Sheets?

Open Google Sheets and go to "File -> Import". Upload the generated CSV file and press "Import Data" to generate a Sheet with all markers.

How do I import a csv file into Apple Numbers?

Open Numbers and go to "File -> Open". Simply open the CSV file.

Pertanyaan yang Sering Diajukan

Tidak. File diproses secara langsung dan tidak disimpan di server.

File yang dihasilkan tetap tersedia selama maksimum satu jam.

Tentu saja, kirimkan saja pesan kepada kami.


Tools AAF CSV EDL JSON MP3 ODS PDF WAV XLS XLSX XML Music Adobe Premiere Pro Avid Media Composer Avid Pro Tools ByteDance CapeCut DaVinci Resolve Final Cut Pro