Teks Ke Suara | Suara Alami

Ciptakan suara, dialog, sulih suara, placeholder, dan tata letak teks lainnya yang terdengar alami. Suara-suara tersebut telah dioptimalkan dengan bantuan mesin saraf.

Format Ekspor



Under "more options" the reading speed can be changed. Here are some examples of what the speed change sounds like.

+0% (Standard)


Under "more options" you can change the pitch of the voice. Here are some examples of what the pitch sounds like.

+0% (Standard)

Kontrol Lanjutan

Dengan menggunakan tanda SSML, Anda dapat mengubah nada dan penekanan untuk kata atau kalimat apa pun.

GrupTanda SSMLDemo
Istirahat <break time='500ms' />
<break time='1s' />
<break time='2s' />
<break time='3s' />
<break time='4s' />
Tekanan <emphasis level='moderate'>Moderate</emphasis>
<emphasis level='reduced'>Reduced</emphasis>
<emphasis level='strong'>Strong</emphasis>
Pitch <prosody pitch='x-high'>Higher</prosody>
<prosody pitch='high'>High</prosody>
<prosody pitch='medium'>Default - No Pitch</prosody>
<prosody pitch='low'>Low</prosody>
<prosody pitch='x-low'>Lower</prosody>
Kecepatan <prosody rate='x-slow'>Slower</prosody>
<prosody rate='slow'>Slow</prosody>
<prosody rate='medium'>Default - Medium</prosody>
<prosody rate='fast'>Fast</prosody>
<prosody rate='x-fast'>Faster</prosody>
Digit <say-as interpret-as="digits">123456789</say-as>
Surat <say-as interpret-as="letters">How are you?</say-as>
Tanggal* <say-as interpret-as="date" format="mdy">03/28/25</say-as>
<say-as interpret-as="date" format="ymd">25/03/28</say-as>
<say-as interpret-as="date" format="dmy">28/03/25</say-as>
<say-as interpret-as="date" format="ydm">25/28/03</say-as>
<say-as interpret-as="date" format="my">03/25</say-as>
<say-as interpret-as="date" format="md">03/28</say-as>
<say-as interpret-as="date" format="ym">25/03</say-as>
Mata uang*
(ISO 4217)
<say-as interpret-as="vxml:currency">EUR10.50</say-as>
<say-as interpret-as="vxml:currency">USD10.50</say-as>
<say-as interpret-as="vxml:currency">GBP10.50</say-as>
<say-as interpret-as="vxml:currency">CHF10.50</say-as>

Telepon* <say-as interpret-as="number" format="telephone">012-345-6789</say-as>
<say-as interpret-as="number" format="telephone" detail="punctuation">012-345-6789</say-as>
<say-as interpret-as="number" format="telephone" detail="punctuation">+49 1234 56 789</say-as>

* Ekspresi SSML ini hanya berfungsi dengan suara bahasa Inggris.

Demo Teks dengan Tanda SSML

Gabungkan Tanda SSML The upgrade costs <prosody rate='x-fast'><say-as interpret-as="vxml:currency">EUR10.50</say-as></prosody>
Teks Panjang dengan Tanda SSML A film, also called a <emphasis level='strong'>movie</emphasis>, <emphasis level='strong'>motion picture</emphasis> or <emphasis level='strong'>moving picture</emphasis>, is a work of visual art used to simulate experiences that communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings, beauty, or atmosphere through the use of moving images. These images are generally accompanied by <prosody pitch='x-high'>sound, and more rarely</prosody>, other sensory stimulations.<break time='500ms' />The word cinema, <prosody rate='x-fast'>short for cinematography</prosody>, is often used to refer to filmmaking and the film industry, and to the art form that is the result of it.


AI Tools MP3 WAV Premium Tools Adobe Premiere Pro Avid Media Composer DaVinci Resolve Final Cut Pro